Product Description
Van Blind Spot Fresnel Lens VanTage Point
Please note: ## This item is in Acrylic Hard Back version ##
A PCV ( flexible ) version is available on a different listing in our shop
Please let us know which version you require on the order you submit
The size of this item is A5 ( 6 x 8 1/4 inch ) – ( 15 x 21 cms )

Van blind lens nearside

Van fresnel lens blind spot lens
As a van driver you know how hard it is to see whats on your vans nearside blind spot
The mirrors do a reasonable job, but the moment you have to lean as far forward as possible whilst trying to look through the nearside window to see back and downwards, you know youre in trouble
You feel sure there might be something there, but your mirrors dont show anything

Fresnel Blind Spot Lens for vans
See the picture below and how it shows just such a van drivers view when wishing to reverse out of a parking bay into a busy road
The nearside mirror only shows the bank directly behind the van on the other side of the road
The vans blind spot side panel completely blanks out any other backwards view and so effectively the van driver is forced to nove blindly.
Blind spot fresnel lens for vans
If you take a look in the VANTAGE POINT lens neatly fixed towards the rear of the passenger window, an on coming car in the main road is clearly seen
When the van blind spot fresnel lens is attached to the nearside window it will help with the blind spot, which standard mirrors and window views from the drivers position do not cover
For more information of the requirements for driving through London Click Here
So when joining a motorway exit lane, manoeuvring into that tight loading bay or dodging a low hidden concrete bollard, the fresnel lens will provide that extra vision, taking the guess work out of those everyday driving
These are ideal for couriers, utility workers, minibus and van drivers especially whe n driving in urban road environments

Van Fresnel Blind Spot Lens